Personal Life
He was born on November 6, 1962. He was born in London, England. However, his family decided to leave England and go to the US, and this is the reason why he spent his childhood at Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. As far as his education, he finished John Dewey’s secondary school in the city where he was raised. It must be mentioned that he is very ambitious from an early age and wants to be a female entrepreneur. This is not the only interest because he also wants to pursue a career as a model. As far as the steps involve the steps, we can say that the height of 5 feet 4 inches.
Nadine Caridi Modeling
Nadine Caridi was a very interesting woman, and she was really beautiful when she was young. It is not difficult for him to enter the modeling business because he has amazing blonde and blue eyes. As far as he stepped into the modeling world, he was noticed, and he began to get a lot of offers and contracts. The first time he appeared on the cover was chosen to be on the poster conducted for Miller Lite, a type of beer. This is not the end of his appearance because he also appeared in Monday Night Football, which is an ad. It must also be mentioned that he saw and was dating Alan Wilzig during the beginning of his modeling career and that Alan was a businessman.
He attended several parties when he was introduced to Jordan Belford, who worked as a stock broker at that time. At that time, he was no longer dating Alan. However, Jordan was married at that time with Denise Lombardo, who was a love from his school. Unfortunately, the couple divorced.
On the other hand, Jordan and Nadine decided to get married in 1991, and the ceremony was held in the Caribbean. Their marriage produces two children, namely, Chandler Belfort and Carter Belfort. It must also be mentioned that Jordan was in prison because of the fraud transaction he did in the market, but he came out after 22 months. The couple divorced in 2005 due to the affair and drug abuse of Jordan. After that, he became acquainted with John Macaluso, who is also a very successful businessman. The couple decided to get married one year after his divorce.
Nadine Caridi Net Worth 2022
When we talk about Nadine Cemidi’s clean wealth, we must show that he made his own money from his modeling career, but he also got a few after he divorced Jordan. It is estimated that his net worth if $ 5 million in 2022.